This hybrid symposium “Decolonial Curatorial Agenda for a Green New Deal”
Strike Museums: What will be (Post)Anthropocene Art and Museums?is the first research show and the kick-off event of Drifting Curriculum. Based on Colin Sterling (Board member, Drifting Curriculum)’s agenda
‘(Post) Anthropocene Museologies’, the symposium aims to uncover deep and enduring connections and entanglements between European ‘world culture’ museums and colonialism that contributed to the environmental crisis, and addresses the intersections of racism, extraction, consumerism and subjectivization—the museum’s interrelated history—with the continuing climate crisis.
This symposium, conducted in cooperation with the
KAIST Disaster Haggyo, includes Professor Colin Sterling of the University of Amsterdam, Csilla E. Ariese(Museologist), Asia Komarova(artist, food activist), Shim Bo-sun(sociologist, poet), Unmake Lab(artist collective), Juhyun Cho(curator), Jiyoung Kim (researcher), participated and were investigating the new models of the museum designed against the Anthropocene and colonialism, human desire, and logic of development. Presentations and discussions were held on topics such as the reconstructed relationship between nature and technology.