This flexible platform was conceived as an alternative form of learning and new practice, recognizing the limitations of the way numerous cultural institutions around the world, such as schools, museums, and art galleries, are responding to urgent requests for decolonization and decarbonization. In this platform that connects the digital space and the real social sites of each region from around the world, participants continuously “drift” and “move”, experience a metamorphosis, a state in which the shapes of knowledge and practice constantly change their form. In this hybrid format, where knowledge and information are garnered and exchanged through nonlinear and collective routes, participants change their positions and practice learning by producing new knowledge in equal relationships with all objects.
In 2022, the “Decolonial Curatorial Agenda for the Green New Deal(DCAG)”, a consultative body launched by the Drifting Curriculum, raises questions about the fundamental way the international community and government deal with climate crises, resource depletion, and environmental issues, and organizes critical art circles to control ecological crises. It is an art-research collective that practices multilateral solidarity by forming critical narratives in the fields of behaviorism, technology, and policy that control ecological crises. Centered around 10 board members working in Asia and Europe and studying the discourse of the Anthropocene in various fields such as art, science, sociology, anthropology, law, and philosophy, about 40 teams, consisted of scholars, curators, artists, activists, and lawyers, create speculative agenda by attempting artistic intervention in policies, legislative and institutional issues around disasters and climate crises, and share their research and artistic practice on each agenda. Their agenda will lead to mutual learning, multilateral and cross-sectional solidarity through voluntary participation of readers/audience/users around the world in the form of online journals, research-show, climate crimes speculative trials, and mobile scenarios within the hybrid platform.
The "Decolonial Curatorial Agenda for a Green New Deal" aims to reveal how colonial history affects the present and future planetary life. Planetary crises are related to events that occur in unseen relationships with entities that are not caught in our view. To visualize and recognize these relationships, the drifting curriculum simulates the world. The physical or digital body drifts within this hybrid platform and tactilely experiences a planetary disaster.
The future time and space drawn from the past colonial history, mythology, and literary imagination, rather than the present point of view, is laid flat on this platform of diversity. On this platform, 10 board members propose their own agenda and publish online journals by editing various forms of knowledge information visual materials such as essays, interviews, films, and images. The sequentially published online journals will be released along with Research-Show consisting of lectures, talks, and screenings by the members.
This project is conducted with the support of the International Arts Joint Fund 『2021-2022 Korea-Netherlands Cooperation Program』 of the Arts Council Korea(ARKO).